Physician-Scientist Mentoring Committee
Being a physician-scientist in the postdoctoral phase can be challenging, without the formal structure of a PhD or residency program. Many trainees would benefit from scientific and career advising outside their own PI, but formal departmental mentoring programs may not be tailored to the issues that arise for lab-based physician-scientists.
For interested lab-based physician-scientists in Medicine, Neurology, and Pediatrics, PSCDP sponsors "Mentoring Committees”, which we think of as a grown-up version of a thesis committee, that have a strong emphasis on your career and planning for the transition to independence.
Committees meet annually and are composed of the following faculty mentors:
- Your Principal Investigator
- A co-mentor of your choice
- A research leader in your department/division
- PSCDP Council member outside your department (who also chairs).
These committees have been popular with both trainees and senior faculty members. Trainees have received guidance on (and advocacy for) planning key career moves, while faculty learn about trainees who are ready to be recruited into independent positions! If you would like to request a PSCDP Mentoring Committee, please sign up using the link below.