Funding & Transition to Independence

PSCDP talked to (and surveyed) UCSF physician-scientist trainees since the program's inception about their needs, and the area of greatest concern was the uncertainty about expectations around funding and the transition to independence. In response, PSCDP collaborated with the Departments of Medicine, Pediatrics and Neurology, including division and fellowship program leadership, to create the “Fact Sheets." Please see description below:

The Funding Fact Sheets outline what the lab-based physician-scientist trainee can expect, in terms of salary support across the postdoctoral/junior faculty periods, but also where these funds come from and what is expected of the trainee, in terms of applying for different grants. These are organized by Department (and in Medicine, by Division) to reflect training structure, clinical responsibilities, and different sources of funding.

The Transition to Independence Fact Sheets outline the criteria that are considered at UCSF (but also at other similar institutions) when making decisions about faculty searches for a lab-based physician-scientist ready to start her/his own independent laboratory. These are organized by Department. Please use the link below to access them.

Funding Fact Sheets

Transition to Independence Fact Sheets